Bioinformatics tools and databases


  • VSOlassoBag: A variable-selection oriented LASSO bagging algorithm for biomarker development in omic-based translational research

  • MPTevol: A practical computation framework for dissecting the evolution of multiple primary tumors (MPT)

  • CrossICC: CrossICC: iterative consensus clustering of cross-platform gene expression data without adjusting batch effect

  • Meskit : A tool kit for dissecting cancer evolution from multi-region derived tumor biopsies via somatic mutations

  • CaMutQC : Integrative quality control of cancer somatic mutations with CaMutQC

  • AutoRPA : A web server for constructing cancer staging models by recursive partitioning analysis

  • LncPipe : A Nextflow-based pipeline for comprehensive analyses of long non-coding RNAs from RNA-seq datasets

  • GPS-SUMO: A tool for the prediction of sumoylation sites and SUMO-interaction motifs


  • BioTreasury: a review platform with multi-dimensional evaluations for bioinformatics tools